So as you may or may not know, a part of why I started Intrepid Introvert was to help empower introverts and basically share how fucking fabulous introverts are… Awkward silences and all!

As an introvert, we come with some weird struggles… And since they’re not necessarily life threatening struggles, let’s celebrate them instead 😉

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I love celebrating our introvert struggles! They're nothing to be ashamed about or to feel bad over - In fact, they're kind of hilarious haha! Here are 8 classic introvert struggles....

Here’s a few things introverts struggle with:


1. Communication

Honestly, I feel like I struggle to string a sentence together when I talk to people I don’t know… Afterwards my head just runs through all the amazing things I should have said instead. Oh Hannah, what you could have been…

So sometimes it’s easier to just shut up than be a stuttering mess. Is that why introverts are so quiet?

Fore real though, the more you speak the easier it becomes. Learn a few classic one liners to get a conversation rolling and then go take a nap, you deserve it!


2. Finding time to be alone

Alone time is something that introverts cherish. Our souls live and breathe for it. Being alone in our own thoughts is super important to us.

So when we’re in groups, or staying at someone else’s house, or having our friends and family come and stay (so we gotta play host) proves to be challenging.

We recharge our batteries from being alone… And we drain our batteries when socialising. It can be pretty tough to excuse yourself from social situations so you can just hang with yourself. Especially if you have good manners and feel it’s rude for leaving. But hey, you do you! If your friends and fam know you well, they’ll get it.


Things Introverts struggle with


3. Becoming invisible

Imagine walking into a room with lots of people and all of a sudden feeling invisible. If you’re an introvert you’ve probably had this feeling many times over. I know I have!

We’re not really the type to go over to a group of people and lead a conversation; we wait patiently for someone to invite us into a conversation.

But sometimes that invite doesn’t always happen… So you’re left standing around awkwardly; wondering whether to practice the good ol’ Irish goodbye or to actually say something and see if someone wants to listen.

As time has gone on, I’ve gotten a little better at pushing myself into making conversation with people at parties. Head to the food table and bond with someone over how much you both love cheese… It’s always a winner 😉


4. Phone calls

If we aren’t close friends, don’t call me…. I WILL NOT pick up.

Just send me a text… That way I can take my time to reply with a cracker of a joke so you think I’m funny!

One thing I will never understand is how people feel so comfortable chatting loudly on the phone in quiet public places…. I think this is an introvert’s biggest fear.


5. What people will think of you

Although we are taught to be yourself and it doesn’t matter what other people think of you; us introverts tend to have a love hate relationship with our own heads.

We overthink shit waaaay too much…

I remember roll call back in my school days. I would prepare how I would respond to the call. And then afterwards I couldn’t stop thinking about weird I sounded… OMG that was so high pitched! You sounded like such a weirdo.


Things introverts struggle with


6.  Talking about ourselves

Interviews in general and people prodding at your life achievements can be a scary thing. Sitting in front of someone where the purpose is to talk about yourself is hard! We would much rather let someone talk about themselves than have the spotlight on us…. Which definitely makes job interviews quite the challenge!


7. Thinking can be difficult when you’re in a group

Group situations can be the bane of an introvert’s existence. Sure, sometimes it’s all good and dandy. That’s usually when the whole group is made up of people you know really well and feel comfortable with.

But in groups of unfamiliar people it can be super hard to think straight and come up with/contribute good ideas.

Heck even listening to the radio while writing this is proving to be difficult!

We work best and are our most creative selves when we are alone and have the room/time to think. Which is why a lot of introverts thrive when working alone in comparison to groups!


8. You wish you could communicate like an extrovert

Ahh yes… To be able to be so naturally charismatic… What a life it would be to have the gift of the gab!

For some reason we think an extrovert’s life is so much better because small things don’t cause panic.

We long for that easy breeze of communication!

Well the good news is, we can get better with practice! It’s just putting ourselves out there now and then. You can definitely learn to be an extrovert when the occasion calls for it… Which makes us a double threat 😉

I’ve found that creating a blog has been the perfect outlet for me. I can write and communicate with like-minded people exactly how I please! Check out this blog post, ‘Introverts and the power of blogging’ for more!


One book that has helped me not only understand myself, but accept and love myself, is ‘Quiet’ by Susan Cain. I 100% recommend reading it!


I love celebrating our introvert struggles! They're nothing to be ashamed about or to feel bad over - In fact, they're kind of hilarious haha! Here are 8 classic introvert struggles....
I love celebrating our introvert struggles! They're nothing to be ashamed about or to feel bad over - In fact, they're kind of hilarious haha! Here are 8 classic introvert struggles....

Hannah is a self proclaimed introvert and Accounting Graduate who fresh out of University realised the office life just wasn't for her. Packing her bags and jumping on a plane, she has now been traveling the world full-time for 5+ years. She created Intrepid Introvert as a way to document her travels as well as life on the road as an introvert. She is now a travel blogger, freelancer, minimalist, digital nomad, and has been helping many others achieve a similar lifestyle to her own.


  1. Love your personal observations. Knowing as well as accepting that as an introvert (me too massively) my perceived downsides such as disliking large groups etc can also have upsides… which is discussed and celebrated in the book”Quiet”. That said I think 1950’s America could have almost been deemed personalitist with its clear dislike of introverted types. Just as a side point have you heard of Myers Briggs? Additional aspects of personality also come into play along with the intraversion that add others flavours to our personalities? Try for a free test an an amazing self insight…

  2. Cindy M Bernicot Reply

    Interesting. I never really thought of myself as an introvert because I am not quiet or shy, but these all apply to me. Especially the need for alone time. Large amounts of it. Lol.

    • It’s a common misconception that being introverted means you’re shy… They’re two separate things! It just so happens that lots of introverts are also shy haha 🙂

  3. Love this article! I was just nodding along the whole time thinking, yep, that’s so me. Now that I think about it, I might not even pick up the phone if you are a close friend…just texts for me, please! 😉

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