Once bitten by the travel bug, it’s hard to shake it off. People these days are constantly searching for ways to be able to travel the world perpetually…. But there’s just that one small question which holds everyone back…. How to fund a life of full-time travel?

Here I lay out 8 ways travelers have been able to fund their long-term travels. All 8 are entirely possible for you to achieve. You just have to go out there and make it happen for yourself.


bartending to travel the world


A popular choice for younger travellers is to spend a few months at a destination and work at a bar or restaurant. You can save up money and use your days off to explore the area and then move on after a certain amount of time.

Pros: Good way to make friends in the area and live like a local.

Cons: A slower way of travel as you’re usually tied to one destination for a few months at a time.

Earning Potential: Low. Usually minimum wage.



A good way to travel the world while having your accommodation and meals paid for. Positions range from being a deck hand, a host/hostess, onboard store assistant, casino staff, entertainer/performer etc.

Pros: Living expenses paid for.

Cons: Long hours and not a whole lot of time for exploration.

Earning Potential: Low-medium depending on what position you have onboard.

Travel blogging for fulltime travel


Travel blogging and blogging in general has become a popular thing over the last few years and it’s now easy to do with some awesome blogging platforms out there. It’s a tough industry to succeed in, but it can be done with a lot of consistency and strategy!

Pros: You can get sponsored by hotels and other travel brands.

Cons: Takes time to build a good following.

Earning Potential: Medium. If you create a large following, there’s good money to be made.

Learn how to create your own blog here!

Teach english


Many countries around the world seek language teachers, especially English teachers. You can do a TEFL course which is internationally recognised to be a qualified English teacher. Or in some instances, having a degree of any sort is the only requirement.

Pros: Good way to live like a local as you’re in a specific destination for as long as your contract states.

Cons: You could be working long hours, limiting the amount of travel you can do in that area.

Earning Potential: Low to medium depending on your destination. You’ll usually earn enough to cover your expenses and save a little.

More info here: www.tefl.com

Check out my PDF for all 8 ways of how to travel the world while earning an income!

Free pdf on how to travel the world fulltime


Hannah is a self proclaimed introvert and Accounting Graduate who fresh out of University realised the office life just wasn't for her. Packing her bags and jumping on a plane, she has now been traveling the world full-time for 5+ years. She created Intrepid Introvert as a way to document her travels as well as life on the road as an introvert. She is now a travel blogger, freelancer, minimalist, digital nomad, and has been helping many others achieve a similar lifestyle to her own.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Hannah,

    Great post! I liked how you gave us the Pros & Cons of each. It’s good to know.


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